架號 | 刊名 | ISSN | 狀態 | 電子資源 | 卷期 - -年代 | 備註 |
A0100 | Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society | 0192-5857 | 停訂 | v30-,2009- |
1-5, 1980-1984. 6(1-3,5-6), 1985. 7-20, 1986-1986. 21(1,3), 2000. 23-35, 2002-2014. | 缺 22 (∵2001停訂) |
A0200 | Acta Arithmetica | 0065-1036 | 停訂 | v. 1- 95, 1935-2000. |
48-68, 1987-1994. 69(1-2,4), 1995. 70-94, 1995-2000. 95(1,3-4), 2000. 97-166, 2000-2014. | |
A0250 | Acta Informatica | 0001-5903 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1971- |
1-32, 1971-1995. | |
A0300 | Acta Mathematica | 0001-5962 | 現刊 | v.1-, 1882- |
134-174(1), 1975-1995. 176-, 1997- | 微縮館藏 : 124-133, 1970-1974 |
A0400 | Acta Mathematica Hungarica | 0236-5294 | 停訂 | v.1-,1950- |
37-56(1-2), 1982-1990. 57-, 1991-2014. | |
A0500 | Advances in Applied Probability | 0001-8678 | 停訂 | v.30-, 1998- (Delay 3 years) v.1-,1969- (Delay 3 years) |
1-4, 1969-1972. 6-45, 1974-2013. | 總圖館藏(A0765) |
A0600 | Advances in Geometry | 1615-715X | 現刊 | V.1-, 2001- |
V1-, 2001- | |
A0700 | Advances in theoretical and Mathematical physics | 1095-0761 | 現刊 | v.1-,1997- |
3-4(1-2), 1999-2000. 5-, 2001- | |
A0725 | Algebra and Logic | 0002-5232 | 停訂 | v.7-,1968- |
26-29, 1987-1990. 31-36, 1992-1997.42- 44, 2003-2005. | 卷期由V7起總圖館藏(A1230) |
A0750 | Algebra & Number Theory | 1937-0652 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2007- |
2015- | |
A0800 | Algebra Colloquium | 1005-3867 | 停訂 | V12-, 2005- |
1-4, 1994-1997. 5(4),1998. 6-7 1999-2000. 8(1,3-4), 2001. 9(1-3), 2002. 10(2-3), 2003. 11-21, 2004-2014. | 總圖館藏(A1235) |
A0820 | Algebraic & Geometric Topology | 1472-2747 | 現刊 | V11-, 2011- |
11-, 2011- | 2011新訂 |
A0825 | Algebraic Geometry (AG) | 2313-1691 | 現刊 | V1-,2014- |
V1-,2014- | |
A0830 | Algorithmica | 0178-4617 | 停訂 | v.1-,1986- |
9-28, 1993-2000. | 總圖館藏 (A1240) |
A0850 | Algebraic Statistics | 2693-3004(E) | 現刊 | v.1-, 2020- |
電子期刊 | |
A0860 | American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences | 0196-6324 | 停訂 | V1-,1981- |
1-15, 1981-1995. | |
A0900 | American Journal of Mathematics | 0002-9327 | 停訂 | v.118-, 1996- v.1-, 1878- (Delary 5 years) |
52(2), 1930. 54-63(1-3), 1932-1941. 70(2-4)-71(1), 1948-1949. 75-77(2-3), 1953-1955. 78-80(1-2), 1956-1958. 81-86(2-4), 1959-1964. 87-, 1965- | |
A1000 | American Mathematical Monthly | 0002-9890 | 現刊 | v1-,1984- |
57(9-10), 1950. 60(1-2)-62(1-8,10), 1953-1955. 63(1,2,4), 1956. 64(6-10), 1957. 65-66(3-10), 1958-1959. 67, 1960. 69-71(1-3,5-10), 1962-1964. 72-73(1-7,9-10), 1965-1966. 74-76(1-2,4-10), 1967-1969. 77-107(1-9), 1970-2000. 108-, 2001- | |
A1090 | Analysis | 0003-2638 | 停訂 | V1-,1933- |
1-6, 1933-1939. | |
A1100 | Analysis | 0174-4747 | 停訂 | V1-,1933- |
7-, 1987-2014 | |
A1150 | Analysis & PDE : Analysis & Partial Differential Equations | 2157-5045 | 現刊 | v1-,2008- |
5-, 2011- | 2010新訂 |
A1200 | Analysis Mathematica | 0133-3852 | 停訂 | v.1-,1975- |
9-31, 1983-2005 | 微縮館藏 : 1-8, 1975-1982. |
A1249 | Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C | 1873-1430 (E) | 現刊 | 電子期刊 |
電子期刊 | |
A1250 | Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré D (AIHPD) | 2308-5827 | 現刊 | V1-,2014- |
V1-,2014- | |
A1300 | Annales de L'Institut Fourier | 0373-0956 | 現刊 | v.1- ,1949- |
46-, 1996- | |
A1400 | Annales de l'IHP Probabilites et Statistiques (Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare Series | 0246-0203 | 停訂 | v.1- 1964- (delay 3 years) |
32-40, 1996-2004. | 其他刊名:Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare Series B |
A1450 | Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar : Analyse non lineaire (Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare Series C) | 0294-1449 | 停訂 | v.14-, 1997- |
11-17, 1994-2000. | 總圖館藏 (A1860) 電子版:21-, 2005- 其他刊名:Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare Series C 1-, 1984- (Delay 5 years) |
A1500 | Annales Scientifiques De L'Ecole Normale Superieure | 0012-9593 | 停訂 | Ser 1~Ser 4 v1-38 , 1894-2005 Ser 4 v.30-40,1997-2007 |
29-37, 1996-2004. | |
A1600 | Annali Della Scuola Normale Superiore Di Pisa | 0391-173X | 停訂 | Ser 5, v.3-, 2004- Ser 1-4, 1871-2001 |
Ser 4:23-30, 1996-2001. Ser 5:1-9, 2002-2010 | 2011刪訂 |
A1625 | Annals of K-Theory | 2379-1683 | 現刊 | V1-,2016- |
V6 | |
A1650 | Annals of Mathematical Logic | 0003-4843 | 改名 | v.1-23, 1970-1982 |
1-23, 1970-1982. | 新刊名: Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (A1700) |
A1660 | Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (AMSA) | 2380-288X | 現刊 | V1-,2016- |
V1-,2016 | |
A1675 | Annals of Mathematics | 0003-486X | 停訂 | v.1-, 1884- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
A1700 | Annals of Pure and Applied Logic | 0168-0072 | 停訂 | v.24-,1985- |
24-118, 1983-2002. | 原刊名: Annals of Mathematical Logic (A1650) |
A1800 | Anziam Journal | 1446-1811 | 停訂 | v.19-, 1975- |
42-44(1-2), 2000-2002. | 原刊名:Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series B (J2410) |
A1850 | Applicable Analysis | 0003-6811 | 停訂 | v.64-, 1997- |
10, 1980. 12-25, 1981-1987. 27-71, 1987-1998. | |
A1900 | Archiv Der Mathematik | 0003-889X | 現刊 | v.1-, 1948- |
23-, 1972- | |
A2000 | Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis | 0003-9527 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1957- |
125-194, 1993-2009 | 總圖館藏 (A2780) 微縮館藏:88-107, 1985-1989. |
A2100 | Arkiv foer Mathematik | 0004-2080 | 現刊 | v55-,2017- |
31-48, 1993-2010 | 2011刪訂 |
A2200 | Asian journal of mathematics : AJM | 1093-6106 | 現刊 | v.1-, 1994- |
1-6, 1997-2002. 7(1-2,4), 2003. 8(2-3), 2004. 9- ,2005- | |
A2300 | Asymptotic Analysis | 0921-7134 | 停訂 | v.16-, 1998- |
8-, 1994-2014. | |
A2400 | Australian Mathematical Society Gazette | 0311-0729 | 停訂 | 無 |
1-23, 1974-1996. | |
A2500 | Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics | 1467-842X (E) | 現刊 | 電子期刊 |
電子期刊 | |
B0030 | Bulletin (Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications) | 0950-5628 | 改名 | 無 | 23-24, 1987-1988. 25-31, 1989-1995. | 新刊名 : Mathematics Today (M0750) |
B0060 | Bulletin of Mathematical Biology | 0092-8240 | 停訂 | v.1-,1939- |
49-53(1-2), 1987-1991. | |
B0100 | Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society | 0004-9727 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1969- |
2-71, 1970-2005. | |
B0200 | Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society | 0008-0659 | 停訂 | 62-69, 1970-1977. 79-82, 1987-1990. 83(1-5), 1991. 84(2-6), 1992. 85-86(1-5), 1993-1994. 87, 1995. 88(3-4), 1996. 89-94, 1997-2002. | ||
B0250 | Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society | 1015-8634 | 停訂 | v.1-,1964- |
34(1-4), 1997. | |
B0300 | Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society | 0024-6093 | 現刊 | v.1-,1969- |
25-, 1993- | |
C0100 | Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations | 0944-2669 | 現刊 | v.1-, 1993- |
1(1), 1993. 4-, 1996- | |
C0150 | Cambridge Journal of Mathematics | 2168-0930 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2013- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
C0200 | Canadian Journal of Mathematics SerB | 0008-414X | 現刊 | v1-, 1949- |
3(4), 1951. 7(4)-8(1), 1955-1956. 11-, 1959- | |
C0300 | Canadian Mathematical Bulletin | 0008-4395 | 現刊 | v1-, 1958- |
13-16(1-2,4), 1970-1973. 17-18, 1974-1975. 26-, 1983- | |
C0350 | Chinese Annals of Mathematics | 0252-9599 | 停訂 | v.21-, 2000- |
12(1-2), 1991. 14(1-4), 1993. 15-17, 1994-1996. | |
C0360 | Chinese Journal of Mathematics | 0379-7570 | 改名 | 1-2(1), 1973-1974. 3(1), 1975. 4(2), 1976. 5-10(1), 1977-1982. 11(1,3-4), 1983. 12-13(1-3), 1984-1985. 14-17(1-2), 1986-1989. 18-21(2,4), 1990-1993. 22(2,4)-23(1-3), 1994-1995. 24(1-4), 1996. | 新刊名:Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics.(T100) 總圖館藏(C1100) |
C0400 | Combinatorica : an international journal of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society | 0209-9683 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1981- |
1-25, 1981-2005 | |
C0500 | Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici | 0010-2571 | 現刊 | v.72-,1997- v.1-79, 1929-2004 |
68-, 1994- | |
C0600 | Communications in Algebra | 0092-7872 | 停訂 | v.25-,1997- |
1-, 1974- | |
C0700 | Communications in Analysis and Geometry | 1019-8385 | 現刊 | v.9-, 2001- |
1-8, 1993-2000. 9(1-4), 2001. 10-, 2002- | |
C0720 | Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science | 1559-3940 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2006- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
C0760 | Communications in Computational Physics | 1991-7120 | 現刊 | V.1-, 2006- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
C0780 | Communications in Information and Systems | 1526-7555 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2001- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
C0800 | Communications in mathematical Physics | 0010-3616 | 停訂 | v1-,1965- |
182-234, 1996-2002. | 總圖館藏 (C1890) |
C0820 | Communications in Mathematical Sciences | 1539-6746 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2003- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
C0860 | Communications in Number Theory and Physics | 1931-4523 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2007- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
C0900 | Communications in Statistics:Simulation and Computation | 0361-0918 | 停訂 | v.26-,1997- |
31-37, 2002-2008 | 總圖館藏 (C1490) 2009 停訂 |
C1000 | Communications in Statistics:Theory and Methods | 0361-0926 | 停訂 | v.26-, 1997- |
31-, 2002- | 總圖館藏 (C1945) |
C1050 | Complex Variables Theory and Application | 0278-1077 | 停訂 | v.32-,1997- |
8-22, 1987-1993. 32-37, 1997-1998. | 2006起改名為 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal. (ISSN 1747-6933; E-ISSN 147-6941) |
C1100 | Compositio Mathematica | 0010-437X | 現刊 | v.105-, 1997- v1-104, 1935-1996 |
22-, 1970- | |
C1190 | Comptes Rendus De L'Academie Des Sciences.Serie I,Mathematique. | 0764-4442 | 改名 | v.324-333, 1997-2001 | 322-333, 1996-2001. | 新刊名 : Comptes Rendus Mathematique (C1200) |
C1200 | Comptes Rendus Mathematique | 1631-073X | 電子版 | v.334-,2002- |
334-339, 2002-2004. 電子版:340-,2005- | 舊刊名 : Comptes Rendus De L'Academie Des Sciences (C1190)總圖館藏(C2117) |
C1230 | Computers & Mathematics with Applications | 0898-1221 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1975- | 1-40, 1975-2000. | V1-11 ISSN:0097-4943; 1975-1985 V12A ISSN:0886-9553; 1986 V12B ISSN:0886-9561; 1986 V13 - ISSN:0898-1221; 1987- 總圖館藏(C2590) |
C1260 | Current Mathematical Publications | 0361-4794 | 停訂 | 無 | 12, 1980. 14-21, 1982-1989. 1990-2001, 1990-2001. | |
C1300 | Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal | 0011-4642 | 停訂 | v.47-,1997- |
20-52, 1970-2002. | |
D0100 | Differential and Integral Equations | 0893-4983 | 現刊 | v13-,2000- |
8-9(1-2,4-6), 1995-1996. 10-, 1997- | |
D0200 | Differential Equations | 0012-2661 | 停訂 | v36-,2000- |
7(2), 1971. 9(1,3-6,8-12), 1973. 10(7), 1974. 12(11), 1976. 13(12), 1977. 14(1), 1978. 15(4), 1979. 19-31, 1983-1995. 32(2-12),1996. 33-44(1-9,11),1997-2008. 45-, 2009- | 微縮館藏 : 1-18, 1965-1982 |
D0300 | Discrete and Computational Geometry | 0179-5376 | 停訂 | v.1-,1986- |
9-, 1994-2014. | |
D0400 | Discrete and continuous Dynamical Systems : Series A | 1078-0947 | 停贈 | v.1-, 1995- |
2(1), 1996. 3(1), 1997. 4(3), 1998. 5(2), 1999. | 總圖館藏 (D0910) |
D0450 | Discrete Applied Mathematics | 0166-218X | 停訂 | v.1-,1979- | 1-73, 1979-1997. | 總圖館藏 (D0920) |
D0500 | Doklady Mathematics | 1064-5624 | 停訂 | 73-, 2006- |
46-48(1,3),1993-1994. 49-, 1994-2014. | 原刊名 : Soviet Mathematics Doklady (S0420) |
D0600 | Duke Mathematical Journal | 0012-7094 | 現刊 | v.1-, 1935- |
26-27(1,3-4), 1959-1960. 28-37(1-3), 1961-1970. 38(1,4), 1971. 39-, 1971- | |
D0700 | Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations | 1548-159X | 現刊 | v.1-, 2004- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
E0050 | Educational Studies in Mathematics | 0013-1954 | 停訂 | v.1-,1968- |
1-14, 1968-1983. 18-29, 1987-1995. | 微縮館藏 :15-17, 1984-1986 總圖館藏 (E0450) |
E0060 | Elemente der Mathematik (EM) | 0013-6018 | 現刊 | V52-,1997- |
V52-,1997- | |
E0080 | EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences (EMSS) | 2308-2151 | 現刊 | V1-,2014- |
V1-,2014- | |
E0100 | Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems | 0143-3857 | 現刊 | v.17-, 1997- | 11-, 1991- | |
E0500 | European Mathematical Society Magazine | 2747-7894 | 現刊 | V1-,1991- |
電子期刊 | 原刊名:Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society (NEWS) (N0250) |
G0060 | General Topology & Its Applications | 0016-660X | 停訂 | v.1-10,1971-1979 | 1-10, 1971-1979. | 新刊名:Topology and Its Applications.(T550) 總圖館藏 (G1400) |
G0100 | Geometric and Functional Analysis (GAFA) | 1016-443X | 停訂 | v.1-,1991- |
1-20, 1991-2010 | 2011刪訂 |
G0150 | Geometry & Topology | 1465-3060 | 現刊 | v.1-,1991- | 15-, 2011- | 2011新訂 |
G0175 | Geometry, Imaging and Computing | 2328-8876 | 停訂 | v.1-, 2014- |
2-, 2015- | 2015新訂 |
G0200 | Glasgow Mathematical Journal | 0017-0895 | 停訂 | v.1-,1952- | 11-56, 1970-2014. | |
G0300 | Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics (GGD) | 1661-7207 | 現刊 | V1-,2007- |
V15 | |
H0050 | Homology, Homotopy and Applications | 1532-0073 | 現刊 | v.1-, 1999- |
17-, 2015- | 2015新訂 |
H0100 | Houston Journal of Mathematics | 0362-1588 | 現刊 | V.46-,2020 v.1-45,1975-2019 |
<div>2-, 1976- </div> | |
I0100 | Illinois Journal of Mathematics | 0019-2082 | 現刊 | v.1-,1957- |
14(2,4), 1970. 27-, 1983- | |
I0200 | Indagationes Mathematicae | 0019-3577 | 電子版 | v.1-,1990- | 1-15, 1990-2004. 電子版:1- ,1990- | |
I0300 | Indian Journal of Mathematics | 0019-5324 | 停訂 | 1-, 1958-2014. | ||
I0400 | Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics | 0019-5588 | 停訂 | v.41-, 2010- |
16-26(1-6,8-12), 1985-1995. 27(1-10), 1996. 28-43(1-3,5-6), 1996-2012. 44-45,2013-2014. | 微縮館藏:1-4,1970-1973. 總圖館藏 (I2030) |
I0500 | Indiana University Mathematics Journal | 0022-2518 | 現刊 | v.1-,1952- |
22-60(1-3), 1972-2012. 61-, 2013- | |
I0530 | Innovations in Incidence Geometry | 2640-7345 | 現刊 | v1-, 2005- |
電子期刊 | |
I0550 | Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin | 0146-3942 | 停訂 | V.31-,2022- |
1-6, 1972-1977. 8-24, 1979-1995. | 新刊名: 總圖館藏(I1947) |
I0600 | Integral Equations and Operator Theory | 0378-620X | 現刊 | v1-,1978- |
10-, 1987- | |
I0625 | Interfaces and Free Boundaries (IFB) | 1463-9963 | 現刊 | V1-,1999- |
V23- | |
I0650 | International Journal of Algebra and Computation | 0218-1967 | 停訂 | 3(1), 1993. 4(4), 1994. 6(1-6), 1996. | 總圖館藏 : 2-7, 1992-1997. 電子全文須依連線時確定是否提供 |
I0680 | International of Journal of Computer and Information Sciences | 0091-7036 | 改名 | v.1-,1972- |
v.1-,1972- | 微縮館藏:v.1-15, 1972-1986. 新刊名:International Journal of Parallel Programming (I0830) |
I0700 | International Journal of Game Theory | 0020-7276 | 停訂 | v.1-,1971- |
1-24(1-3), 1971-1995. 25-33, 1996-2004. 34(1-2), 2005. | |
I0800 | International Journal of Mathematics And mathematical Sciences | 0161-1712 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1978- | 10-32, 1987-2002. 2003-2014 | |
I0830 | International journal of parallel programming | 0885-7458 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1972- |
16-23, 1987-1995. | 原刊名 : Internation of Journal of Computer and Information Sciences (微縮館藏:I0650) 總圖館藏 (I3837) |
I0850 | International mathematics research notices | 1073-7928 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1991- |
2004(1-75,77-80), 2005-2007. | 2008停訂 總圖館藏 (I4332) ,請由總圖電子資源進入使用。 |
I0900 | Inventiones Mathematicae | 0020-9910 | 現刊 | v1-, 1966- |
32-150, 1976-2002. | 微縮館藏 : 1-31, 1966-1976; 66-106 1982- 1991 |
I0940 | Inverse Problems and Imaging | 1930-8345 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2007- |
v.9-, 2015- | 2015新訂 |
I0960 | Involve, a Journal of Mathematics | 1944-4176 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2008- |
v.8-, 2015- | 2015新訂 |
I1000 | Israel Journal of Mathematics | 0021-2172 | 現刊 | v.1-, 1963- |
8-27, 1970-1977. 29-41, 1983-1997. 44-95, 1983-1997. 97-, 1997- | |
I1100 | Izvestiya Mathematics | 1064-5632 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1967- |
40-43, 1993. 44(2-3), 1994. 45, 1994. 59(1), 1995. 60-73(1-5), 1996-2009. | 原刊名 : Mathematics of the USSR: Izvestija (M0680) |
J0100 | Journal D'Analyse Mathematique | 0021-7670 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1951- |
68-69, 1996. 71-, 1997- | 2011 停訂 |
J0200 | Journal De Mathematiques Pures Et Appliquees | 0021-7824 | 電子版 | v.76-,1997- | 75(1-5), 1996. 76-83, 1997-2004. 電子版:84- ,2005- | |
J0300 | Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik | 0075-4102 | 現刊 | v1-493,1826-1997 |
434-, 1993- | : 252-257, 1972. 289-296, 1977. 330- 440, 1982-1989. |
J0330 | Journal of Algebra | 0021-8693 | 停訂 | v.1-,1967- | 14-185(1,3), 1970-1996. 186-198, 1996-1997. | 總圖館藏 (J0450) |
J0350 | Journal of Algebra and Its Applications | 0219-4988 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2002- |
1-, 2002- | |
J0400 | Journal of Algebraic Geometry | 1056-3911 | 現刊 | v.11-, 2002- |
1-, 1992- | |
J0405 | Journal of Analysis and its Applications (Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen)(ZAA) | 0232-2064 | 現刊 | V1-,1982- |
V40- | |
J0410 | Journal of Applied Probability | 0021-9002 | 停訂 | V.35-, 1998- V.1-, 1964-(delay 3 years) |
42- ,2005- | 總圖館藏 (J0660) |
J0420 | Journal of Combinatorial Algebra (JCA) | 2415-6302 | 現刊 | V1-,2017 |
V5- | |
J0430 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A | 0097-3165 | 停訂 | v.10-,1971- | 62-80, 1994-1997. | 總圖館藏 (J1240) |
J0440 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B | 0095-8956 | 停訂 | v.10-,1971- | 57-71, 1993-1997. | 總圖館藏 (J1250). |
J0450 | Journal of Combinatorics | 2156-3527 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2010- |
6-, 2015- | 2015新訂 |
J0460 | Journal of Combinatorics Information & System Sciences | 0250-9628 | 停訂 | 12-20, 1987-1995. | ||
J0500 | Journal of Complexity | 0885-064X | 停訂 | v.1-,1985- | 12-18, 1996-2002. | |
J0600 | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | 0377-0427 | 停訂 | v.1-,1975- | 1-148, 1975-2002. | |
J0700 | Journal of Differential Geometry | 0022-040X | 現刊 | v.1-,1967- |
1-, 1967- | |
J0750 | Journal of Fractal Geometry (JFG) | 2308-1309 | 現刊 | V1-,2014- |
V8 | |
J0800 | Journal of Functional Analysis | 0022-1236 | 停訂 | v.1-,1967- | 111-196, 1993-2002. | |
J0900 | Journal of Geometric Analysis | 1050-6926 | 現刊 | v.1-, 1991- |
6(2), 1996. 7-, 1997- | |
J1000 | Journal of Geometry | 0047-2468 | 現刊 | v.1-, 1971- |
1-92, 1971-2008. 94-98, 2009-2010, 100-, 2011- | |
J1100 | Journal of Global Optimization | 0925-5001 | 現刊 | v.1-,1991- |
22-, 2002- | 總圖館藏 (J2500) |
J1150 | Journal of Graph Theory | 0364-9024 | 停訂 | v.21-,1996- |
7-35, 1983-2000. | 微縮館藏 : 1-6 1977-1982總圖館藏 (J2505) |
J1180 | Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization | 1547-5816 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2005- |
1-, 2005- | |
J1200 | Journal of Information & Optimization Science | 0252-2667 | 停訂 | 8-17(1), 1987-1996. 18-25, 1997-2004. | ||
J1250 | Journal of Integral Equation | 0163-5549 | 停訂 | 5-10, 1983-1985. | ||
J1300 | Journal of Knot Theory & Its Ramifications | 0218-2165 | 停訂 | 1(3), 1992. 2(2), 1993. 3(4), 1994. 5-14, 1996-2005. | 總圖館藏 (J2980) |
J1400 | Journal of Mathematical Analysis & Applications | 0022-247X | 停訂 | v.1-, 1960- | 172-177(1), 1993. 178-276, 1993-2002. | 總圖館藏 (J3480) |
J1450 | Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | 0924-9907 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1992- |
4-5, 1994-1995. | |
J1500 | Journal of Mathematical Sciences | 1072-3374 | 停訂 | v.1-,1973- |
68-112, 1994-2002. | 原刊名:Journal of Soviet Mathematics (J2260) |
J1600 | Journal of Mathematical Sciences(The University of Tokyo) | 1340-5705 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1994- |
1-, 1994-2014. | 原刊名:Journal of the Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo. Section 1A, Mathematics (J2450) Fulltext delay 12 months v.6-40 |
J1700 | Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University | 0023-608X | 改名 | v.1-, 1949- (delay 5 years) |
22-32, 1982-1992. 34-44(1-3), 1994-2004. 45-49, 2005-2009 | 多次更名V50-, 2010- 更名:Kyoto Journal of Mathematics (K0100) |
J1750 | Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures | 1559-3959 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2006- |
電子期刊 | |
J1800 | Journal of Multivariate Analysis | 0047-259X | 停訂 | v.1-,1971- | 1-3, 1971-1974. 7-83, 1977-2002. | 總圖館藏 (J3760) |
J1850 | Journal of Noncommutative Geometry (JNCG) | 1661-6952 | 現刊 | V1-,2007- |
V15- | |
J1900 | Journal of Number Theory | 0022-314X | 停訂 | v.1-,1969- | 1-2(1,3-4), 1969. 3-97, 1971-2002. | |
J2000 | Journal of Official Statistics | 0282-423X | 停訂 | v.1-,1985- |
18-21, 2002-2005. | 總圖館藏 (J3930)電子全文須依連線時確定是否提供 |
J2100 | Journal of Operator Theory | 0379-4024 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1979- | 1-34, 1979-1995. 37-52, 1997-2004. | 電子全文須依連線時確定是否提供 |
J2150 | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | 0022-3239 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1967- |
116-, 2003- | |
J2200 | Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra | 0022-4049 | 停訂 | v.1-,1971- | 1-108,1992-1997, 109-176, 1996-2002. | |
J2230 | Journal of Recreational Mathematics | 0022-412X | 停訂 | 無 | 3-13, 1970-1981. 15-27, 1982-1995. | |
J2260 | Journal of Soviet Mathematics | 0090-4104 | 改名 | v.1-, 1973- |
1-60, 1973-1992. 61(4-6)-67, 1992-1993. | 新刊名 : Journal of mathematical sciences (J1500) |
J2270 | Journal of Spectral Theory (JST) | 1664-039X | 現刊 | V1-,2011- |
V11 | |
J2290 | Journal of Symbolic Logic | 0022-4812 | 停訂 | 1-,1936- (delay 4 years) |
58-60(1-3), 1993-1995. | 總圖館藏 : 1-4 1936- 1939 ; 6-32 194-1967 ; 33-36 1968-1971 |
J2295 | Journal of Symplectic Geometry | 1527-5256 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2001- |
15-, 2015- | 2015新訂 |
J2300 | Journal of the American Mathematical Society | 0894-0347 | 現刊 | v.9-, 1996- v.1-, 1988- (delay 4 years) |
1-9(1-3), 1988-1996. 10-, 1997- | |
J2350 | Journal of the American Society for Information Science | 0002-8231 | 停訂 | v.37-, 1987- |
21-46, 1970-1995. | |
J2390 | Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society | 0004-9735 | 改名 | v.1-, 1959- | 1-18, 1959-1974. | v.19-分為2期刊: Series A (J2393) ; Series B (J2410) |
J2393 | Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society.Series A. | 0334-3316 | 改名 | v.1-, 1959- | 19-28, 1975-1979. | 原刊名:Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society(J2390)新刊名:Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society.Series A, Pure mathematics and statistics.(J2396) |
J2396 | Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society.Series A, Pure mathematics and statistics. | 0263-6115 | 改名 | v.1-, 1959- | 29-69, 1980-2000. | 原刊名:Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society.Series A.(J2393) 新刊名:Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society(J2400) |
J2400 | Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society | 1446-7887 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1959- | 70-79, 2001-2005. | 2006年停訂 原刊名:Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society.Series A, Pure mathematics and statistics.(J2396) |
J2410 | Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series B | 0334-2700 | 改名 | v.19-, 1975- | 19-41, 1975-1999. | 原刊名:Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (J2390) 新刊名 : Anziam Journal (A1800) |
J2430 | Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) | 1435-9855 | 現刊 | V1-,1999- |
V23- | |
J2450 | Journal of the Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo. Section 1A, Mathematics | 0040-8980 | 改名 | v.1-, 1969- (部分缺文) |
16-40, 1993-1996. | 新刊名:Journal of Mathematical Sciences The University of Tokyo (J1600) |
J2500 | Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society | 0019-5839 | 停訂 | 49-56, 1985-1991. 58-61, 1992-1995. 63-, 1997-2015. | ||
J2600 | Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society | 0304-9914 | 停訂 | v.1-,1964- |
34, 1997. 35(1,4), 1998. 36-, 1999- | |
J2700 | Journal of the London Mathematical Society | 0024-6107 | 現刊 | v.1-,1926- |
1-, 1969- | |
J2800 | Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan | 0025-5645 | 現刊 | V72-,2020- v.1-, 1948- (delay 4 years) |
12-, 1960- | |
J2900 | Journal of Wildlife Management | 0022-541X | 停訂 | v.1-, 1937- (delay 2 years) |
61-63, 1997-1999. | |
K0100 | Kyoto Journal of Mathematics | 2156-2261 | 現刊 | 1949- (delay 4 years) |
V50-, 2010- | 原刊名:Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University (J1700;ISSN 0023-608X) |
L0050 | L’Enseignement Mathématique (LEM) | 0013-8584 | 現刊 | V55-,2009- v.1-, 1899- ( older than 5 years ) |
V67- | |
L0100 | Letters in Mathematical Physics | 0377-9017 | 停訂 | v.1-,1975- |
36-90, 1996-2009. | |
M0100 | Manuscripta Mathematica | 0025-2611 | 停訂 | v.1-,1969- |
78-86(2-4), 1993-1994. 87-112(2-4), 1994-2003. 113-130, 2004-2009. | |
M0200 | Mathematica | 1222-9016 | 停訂 | 29(2), 1987. 30(1), 1988. 31-, 1987- | v29-v35因出版社不同掛在BID295060 ; ISSN 0025-5505 |
M0300 | Mathematica Japonica | 0025-5513 | 停訂 | 無電子目次 |
47-52, 1999-2000. | 新刊名 : Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae (S0140) |
M0400 | Mathematica Pannonica | 0865-2090 | 停訂 | 1-5, 1990-1994. 7-, 1996-2014. | ||
M0500 | Mathematica Scandinavica | 0025-5521 | 停訂 | v.1-,1953-(delay 5 years) |
72-107, 1993-2010. | 2011 停訂 |
M0530 | Mathematical Gazette | 0025-5572 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1894-(delay 5 years) | 1-15, 1896-1931. 67-80, 1983-1996. | |
M0560 | Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences | 0170-4214 | 停訂 | v.10-,1988- |
1-18, 1979-1995. | |
M0590 | Mathematical Notes | 0001-4346 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1967- |
53-64, 1993-1998. | 原刊名 : Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (V.1-50) 總圖館藏 : V31-52 分屬2個書目 |
M0600 | Mathematical Research Letters | 1073-2780 | 現刊 | v.1-,1994- |
1-, 1994- | |
M0610 | Mathematical Statistical and Learning (MSL) | 2520-2316 | 現刊 | V1-,2018- |
V4- | |
M0620 | Mathematical Systems Theory | 0025-5661 | 改名 | v1-, 1967- |
1-13, 1967-1980. 16-29, 1983-1996. | 新刊名 : Theory of Computing Systems (T0240) |
M0660 | Mathematics And Computer Education | 0730-8639 | 停訂 | 21-29, 1987-1995. | ||
M0670 | Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems | 2325-3444(E) | 現刊 | v.1-, 2013- |
電子期刊 | |
M0675 | Mathematics,Computation and Geometry of Data (MCGD) | 2642-1909 | 現刊 | V1(2021)- |
電子期刊 | |
M0680 | Mathematics of the <country-region>USSR</country-region>: Izvestiya | 0025-5726 | 改名 | v.1-, 1967- |
1-39, 1967-1992. | 新刊名 : Izvestiya Mathematics (I1100) |
M0690 | Mathematics of the <country-region>USSR</country-region>: Sbornik | 0025-5734 | 改名 | v.1-, 1967- |
1-74, 1967-1993. | 新刊名 : Sbornik Mathematics (S0100) |
M0700 | Mathematics Teacher | 0025-5769 | 停訂 | 52(3-8)-53, 1959-1960. 54(1-3,5-8)-55, 1961-1962. 56(1-8)-57(3-8), 1963-1964. 58-59(1,6-8), 1965-1966. 60(1-8)-61(1-4,7-8), 1967-1968. 62(1,6-8)-64, 1969-1971. 80-, 1987-2014. | 總圖館藏 : 65-76 1972-1983 |
M0750 | Mathematics Today | 1361-2042 | 停訂 | 無 | 32, 1996. | 原刊名 : Bulletin (Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications) (B0030) |
M0800 | Mathematika | 0025-5793 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1954- | 40-, 1993-2014. | |
M0900 | Mathematische Annalen | 0025-5831 | 現刊 | v.1-,1896- |
263-265, 1983-1984. 266(1-3), 1983. 267-324, 1984-2002. | 微縮館藏 : 183-216 1969-1982 |
M1000 | Mathematische Zeitschrift | 0025-5874 | 停訂 | v.1-,1918- |
152-241, 1977-2002. | 微縮館藏 : 118-151 1970-1976 |
M1050 | Memoirs of the European Mathematical Society | 2747-9099(E) | 現刊 | v.1-, 2021- |
電子期刊 | |
M1100 | Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society | 0065-9266 | 現刊 | v.202-, 2009- |
no.1-57, 1950-1975. 1(158)-, 1975- | 2010-, 開始電子版上網 |
M1150 | Methods and Applications of Analysis | 1073-2772 | 現刊 | v.1-, 1994- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
M1200 | Michigan Mathematical Journal | 0026-2285 | 現刊 | v.1-,1952- |
17-, 1970- | |
M1300 | Monatshefte fur Mathematik | 0026-9255 | 停訂 | v.1-,1890- |
119-146, 1995-2005. | |
M1350 | Moscow J. of Combinatorics and Number Thory (MJCNT) | 2220-5438 | 現刊 | V1-2011- |
電子期刊 | |
M1400 | Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin | 0027-1322 | 停訂 | v.62-, 2007- |
24-45(1-5), 1969-1990. 46-49(1-4), 1991-1994. 50-55(1-4), 1995-2000. 56-60, 2001-2005. | |
N0100 | Nagoya Mathematical Journal | 0027-7630 | 停贈 | v.1-196,1950-2009 |
1-8, 1950-1955. 13-196, 1958-2009 | E-Journal 2010- 僅限訂購者使用 |
N0200 | News Bulletin | 0277-1365 | 停刊 | 無 | 32(5-10)-34(1-3,5,10), 1995-1998. 35(3-10)-36(1-5,9-10), 1998-2000. 37-46(1), 2000-2009. | M0700隨刊, 2009 停刊 |
N0250 | Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society (NEWS) | 1027-488X | 改名 | V1-,1991- |
V119- | 新刊名: European Mathematical Society Magazine (E0500) |
N0300 | Nonlinear Analysis | 0362-546X | 停訂 | v.1-,1976- | 20-46,1993-2001. 48(1-6)-51, 2001-2002. | |
N0400 | Notices of the American Mathematical Society | 0002-9920 | 現刊 | v.42-, 1995- | 11(3), 1964. 13(1-6,8)-16(1-3,5-7), 1966-1971. 17(1-7)-18(2-8), 1970-1971. 19-21(1-3,6-8), 1972-1974. 22(1,5,7)-23(1,3-8), 1975-1976. 24-, 1977- | |
N0430 | Notices of the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians | 2326-4810 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2013- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
N0450 | Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization | 0163-0563 | 停訂 | v.18-,1997- |
1-21, 1979-2000. | |
N0500 | Numerical linear algebra with Applications | 1070-5325 | 電子版 | v.1-,1994- |
6-16, 1999-2009 | |
N0600 | Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations | 0749-159X | 電子版 | v.1-,1985- |
1-25, 1985-2009 | |
N0700 | Numerische Mathematik | 0029-599X | 現刊 | V1-1959- |
V1-,1959- | |
O0050 | Oberwolfach Reports (OWR) | 1660-8933 | 現刊 | V1-,2004- |
V18- | |
O0100 | Optimization | 0233-1934 | 停訂 | V39-,1997- |
18-28, 1987-1993. 29(1-2), 1994. 39-, 1997- | |
O0200 | Osaka Journal of Mathematics | 0030-6126 | 現刊 | V1-, 1949- |
1-4, 1964-1967. 5(1), 1968. 6(2), 1969. 7(1), 19'70. 8(1-3), 1971. 9(1-2)-10(1-3), 1972-1973. 11(2-3)-12(1-3), 1974-1975. 13-16, 1976-1979. 17(1), 1980. 18(1-2), 1981. 19-, 1982- | (贈閱) |
P0100 | Pacific Journal of Mathematics | 0030-8730 | 現刊 | v.1-,1951- |
10, 1960. 15-86, 1965-1980. 87(2), 1980. 88-, 1980- | |
P0150 | Pacific Journal of Optimization | 1348-9151 | 現刊 | V1-,2005- |
5-, 2009- | 2009 新訂 |
P0160 | Portugaliae Mathematica (PM) | 0032-5155 | 現刊 | V51-.1994- |
V78- | |
P0170 | Probability and Mathematical Physics | 2690-1005(E) | 現刊 | v.1-, 2020- |
電子期刊 | |
P0200 | Probability Theory and Related Fields | 0178-8051 | 停訂 | v.1-,1962- |
71-94(1-3), 1986-1993. 95-139, 1993-2007. | 原刊名 : Zeitschrift fur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete (Z0100)2008停訂總圖館藏 (P2535) |
P0300 | Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society | 0002-9939 | 現刊 | v.1-,1950- v.1-, 1950-(delay 5 years) |
117-, 1993- | 總圖館藏 (P2600) |
P0400 | Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society | 0013-0915 | 現刊 | Ser 1 v.2-,1883- | 17-20, 1970-1976. 21(1-2), 1978. 22-23, 1979-1980. 25-, 1982- | Se r1 v.1-43, 1880-1925Ser 2 v.1-, 1927- |
P0450 | Proceedings of the Japan Academy | 0021-4280 | 改名 | v.1-, 1912- |
46-53, 1970-1977. | 新刊名 : Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A&B (P0500) |
P0500 | Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A&B | 0386-2194 | 現刊 | V53-,1977- |
54-76, 1978-2000. 77(1,3-10), 2001. 78-, 2002- | 原刊名 : Proceedings of the Japan Academy (P0450) v.1-, 1912- Ser B ISSN : 0308-2105 v.53-, 1977- |
P0600 | Proceedings Section A, Mathematics (Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh) | 0308-2105 | 現刊 | V130-, 2000- |
105-, 1987- | |
P0700 | Publicationes Mathematicae | 0033-3883 | 停贈 | v.40-,1992- | 50-62, 1997-2003. 65-68, 2004-2006. 69(3-4)-78, 2006-2011. | 贈閱 |
P0800 | Publications Mathematiques | 0073-8301 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1959- |
1-8, 1959-1961. 10-112, 1961-2010. | 2011 停訂 |
P0850 | Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PRIMS) | 0034-5318 | 現刊 | V1-,1965- |
V57- | |
P0870 | Pure and Applied Analysis (PAA) | 2578-5893 | 現刊 | v1-,2019- |
V1 | |
P0875 | Pure and Applied Analysis | 2578-5885(E) | 現刊 | v.1-, 2019- |
電子期刊 | |
P0900 | Pure & Applied Mathematika Sciences | 0379-3168 | 停刊 | 無 | 25-62, 1987-2005. 64-68, 2006-2008. | 原刊名 : Mathematika Sciences 2009 停刊 |
P0950 | Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly | 1558-8599 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2005- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
P1000 | Pure Mathematics & Application | 1218-4586 | 停刊 | v.14(3)-, 2003- | 4(1-3), 1993. 5-6, 1994-1995. 7(1-2), 1996. 8-16, 1997-2005. | 原刊名 : Pure mathematics and applications PUMA Ser A (P1100) 2009 停刊 |
P1100 | Pure mathematics and applications PUMA Ser A / | 0866-4943 | 改名 | 無 | 3, 1992. | 新刊名 : Pure Mathematics & Application (P1000) |
Q0100 | Quaestiones Mathematicae | 0379-9468 | 停訂 | 無 |
<div>15(2-4),1992. 16-, 1993-2014. </div> | |
Q0150 | Quality Control and Applied Statistics | 0033-5207 | 現刊 | V45-,2000- |
54-, 2009- | 2009新訂 |
Q0160 | Quantum Topology (QT) | 1663-487X | 現刊 | V1-,2010- |
V12- | |
Q0200 | Quarterly Journal of Mathematics | 0033-5606 | 現刊 | v.1-,1930- |
<div>17(65)-50, 1966-1999. 52-, 2001- </div> | |
R0020 | Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova (RSMUP) | 0041-8994 | 現刊 | V119-,2008- |
V145 | |
R0040 | Rendiconti Lincei – Matematica e Applicazioni (RLM) | 1120-6330 | 現刊 | V17-,2006- |
V32- | |
R0100 | Results in Mathematics | 1422-6383 | 停訂 | v.49-, 2006- |
23-58, 1993-2010 | 原德文刊名:Resultate der Mathematik (ISSN 0378-6218) (2006-改英文刊名) 2011停訂 |
R0150 | Revista Matemática Iberoamericana (RMI) | 0213-2230 | 現刊 | V1-,1985- |
V37- | |
R0200 | Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics | 0035-7596 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1971- (delay 5 years) |
1-, 1971-2014. | |
R0300 | Russian Mathematical Surveys | 0036-0279 | 停訂 | v.15-, 1960- |
38-48(1-5), 1983-1993. 49-65, 1994-2010. | 微縮館藏 : 15-33 1960-1978卷期自15(1960)- |
R0400 | Russian Mathematics—IZ | 1066-369X | 停訂 | V.51-, 2007- |
36-48(1-7,9-12), 1992-2004. 49-51(1-7,10-12), 2005-2007. 52(2-12), 2008. 53-, 2009- | 原刊名 : Soviet Mathematics (ISSN 0197-7158) (S0430) |
S0051 | Sankhya A | 0976-8378(E); 0976-836X(P) | 現刊 | 電子期刊 2024- | ||
S0052 | Sankhya B | 0976-8394(E); 0976-8386(P) | 現刊 | 電子期刊 2024- | ||
S0100 | Sbornik Mathematics | 1064-5616 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1967- |
75-83, 1993-1995. 186-201, 1995-2010 | 原刊名 : Mathematics of the USSR : Sbornik (M0690)2010停訂 |
S0120 | Science of Computer Programming | 0167-6423 | 停訂 | v.1-,1981- | 24-27, 1995-1996. | |
S0140 | Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae | 1346-0862 | 停訂 | 53-56, 2001-2002. | 原刊名 : Mathematica Japonica (M0300) | |
S0200 | Semigroup Forum | 0037-1912 | 停訂 | v.1-,1970- |
26-65, 1983-2002. | |
S0210 | Sequential Analysis | 0747-4946 | 停訂 | v.16-,1997- |
24-, 2005- | 總圖有館藏 :3-20,1984-2001. |
S0220 | SIAM Journal on Algebraic & Discrete Methods | 0196-5212 | 改名 | v.1-, 1980- |
8, 1987. | 新刊名 : SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (S0240) v.9-, 1988- 微縮館藏 : 3-7, 1980-1987. |
S0240 | SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications | 0895-4798 | 停訂 | v.1-,1980- |
9-20, 1988-1999. | 總圖館藏 : 21-, 2000- 原刊名 : SIAM Journal of Algebraic Discrete Methods (S0220) v.1-8, 1980-1987. |
S0260 | SIAM Journal on Optimization | 1052-6234 | 停訂 | v.1-,1991- |
5-9, 1995-1999. | 總圖館藏 : 10-, 2000- |
S0300 | SIAM Review | 0036-1445 | 停訂 | v.1-,1959- |
25-46, 1983-2004. | 微縮館藏 : 1-24, 1959-1982. 總圖館藏 : 39-, 1997- |
S0320 | Siberian Mathematical Journal | 0037-4466 | 停訂 | v.7-,1966- |
34-37(1-3,5-6), 1993-1996. 38-39, 1997-1998. | |
S0340 | Software Concepts & Tools | 0945-8115 | 停訂 | 15-16, 1994-1995. | ||
S0360 | South African Statistical Journal | 0038-271X | 停訂 | V35-,2001 v1-,1969-v34,2000 |
43-55,2009-21. | 2009 新訂 |
S0400 | Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics | 0129-2021 | 停訂 | 1-23, 1977-1999. 24(1-3), 2000. 25-29, 2001-2005. | ||
S0410 | Soviet Mathematics | 0038-5573 | 改名 | 無 | 18-19, 1977-1978. | 微縮館藏: 1-17 新刊名: Soviet Mathematics Doklady (S0420) |
S0420 | Soviet Mathematics Doklady | 0197-6788 | 改名 | 無 | 20-45, 1979-1992. | 原刊名: Soviet Mathematics (S0410) 新刊名:Doklady Mathematics (D0500) |
S0430 | Soviet Mathematics - IZ VUZ | 0197-7156 | 改名 | 無 | 18-23(1-8), 1974-1979. 24-35, 1980-1991. | 新刊名: Russian mathematics-IZ (R0400) ISSN:0197-7158 |
S0440 | Statistica Sinica | 1017-0405 | 停訂 | v.1-,1991-(Delay 1 year) |
1-5 , 1991-1995. | 總圖館藏(S2045):1-18, 1991-2008 |
S0450 | Statistical Bulletin of the OAS | 0250-6289 | 停訂 | 無 | 8-12, 1986-1994. | |
S0470 | Statistics and Its Interface | 1938-7989 | 現刊 | v.1-, 2008- |
2015- | 2015新訂 |
S0500 | Stochastic Processes and Their Applications | 0304-4149 | 電子版 | v.1-,1973- | 25-114, 1987-2004.電子版:115- ,2005- | 微縮館藏 : 1-24 1973-1987 |
S0520 | Stochastics | 0090-9491 | 改名 | 14-22, 1984-1987. | v26起新刊名: Stochastics and Stochastics Reports (S0540) |
S0540 | Stochastics and Stochastics Reports | 1045-1129 | 停訂 | v.60-, 1997- |
26-55(1-2), 1989-1995. | 原刊名:Stochastics (S0520) 2005- 改刊名:Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes;ISSN:1744-2508 |
S0560 | Structured Programming | 0935-1183 | 停訂 | 無 | 14, 1993. | |
S0600 | Studia Mathematica | 0039-3223 | 停訂 | v.1-143, 1929-2000. |
59-61(1-2), 1976-1977. 62(2-3), 1978. 63-77(2-5), 1979-1984. 78-, 1984-2014. | |
T0100 | Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics | 1027-5487 | 現刊 | v.1-,1997- |
1-, 1997- | 原刊名 :Chinese Journal of Mathematics (C0360) |
T0200 | Teaching Statistics | 0141-982X | 停訂 | v.18-, 1996- |
24-31, 2002-2009. | 總圖館藏 (T0160) |
T0220 | Theoretical and Mathematical Physics | 0081-5438 | 停訂 | v1-,1969- |
102-117, 1996-1998. | |
T0240 | Theory of Computing Systems | 1432-4350 | 停訂 | v.1-,1967- |
30-33, 1997-2000. | 原刊名 : Mathematical Systems Theory (M0620) |
T0300 | Theory of Probability and Its Applications | 0040-585X | 停訂 | v.1-,1956- |
1-14, 1956-1969. 16-48, 1971-2004. | 總圖館藏 (T0565) |
T0350 | Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics | 1547-7363(E) ISSN 0094-9000(P) | 現刊 | 電子期刊 2024- | ||
T0400 | Tohoku Mathematical Journal II (東北數學雜誌) | 0040-8735 | 現刊 | Ser 2 v.1-, 1949-(Delay 5 years) |
Ser 2 : 45-61, 1993-2009. 63-, 2011- | 總圖館藏(T0665) :Ser1 |
T0500 | Topology | 0040-9383 | 電子版 | v.1-,1962- | 9-43, 1970-2004. 電子版:44- ,2005- | |
T0550 | Topology and Its Applications | 0166-8641 | 停訂 | v.11-,1980- |
11-35, 1980-1990. 37-89, 1990-1998. | 舊刊名:General Topology & Its Applications (G0060) |
T0600 | Transactions of the American Mathematical Society | 0002-9947 | 現刊 | v.1-,1900- v.1-, 1900-(delay 5 years) |
60-93, 1946-1959. 104, 1962. 107-108, 1963. 110, 1964. 114, 1965. 116(4), 1965. 119-, 1965- | |
T0700 | Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society | 0077-1554 | 停訂 | v.65-,2004- |
12-, 1963-2014. | |
T0800 | Transformation Groups | 1083-4362 | 現刊 | v.1-, 1996- |
1-7, 1996-2002. | |
T0900 | Tunisian Journal of Mathematics (TJM) | 2576-7658 | 現刊 | V1-,2019- |
V1 | |
U0100 | Ukrainian Mathematical Journal | 0041-5995 | 停訂 | v.19-, 1967- |
35-47(1-11), 1983-1995. 49-50, 1997-1999. | |
W0100 | Wildlife Monograph | 0084-0173 | 停訂 | v.1-, 1958-(delay 2 years) |
133-141,1997-1998. | |
Y0100 | Yokohama Mathematical Journal | 0044-0523 | 停訂 | 18-20(1),1970-1972. 21-22, 1973-1974. 24-52, 1976-2006. | (贈閱) |
Z0100 | Zeitschrift fuer Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete | 0044-3719 | 改名 | v.1-70, 1962-1985. |
1-70, 1986-2002. | 新刊名 : Probability Theory and Related Fields (P0200) |
Z0200 | Zentralblatt feur Mathematik und Ihre Grenzgebiete | 0044-4235 | 改名 | 144(1), 1968. 190(1-2), 1971. 197-900, 1971-1998. | 新刊名 : Zentralblatt Math (Z0300) |
Z0300 | Zentralblatt Math | 1436-3356 | 停訂 | 無 | 901-949, 1999-2000. | 原刊名: Zentralblatt feur Mathematik und Ihre Grenzgebiete (Z0200) |
中文 | 數理人文 | 2332-1490 | 現刊 | 無 |
V1-,2013- | |
中文 | 東吳數理學報 | 0250-3255 | 停訂 | 無 |
10(1), 1984. 12(1), 1985. 13(1-2), 1987. 14-18, 1988-1992. 19(1-2,4), 1993. 20-27, 1994-2001.29-31, 2002-2005. | |
中文 | 科學人 | 1682-2811 | 現刊 | 1-, 2002- | ||
中文 | 運籌學報 | 1007-6093 | 停訂 | 1(1-2), 1997. 2(1-3), 1998. | ||
中文 | 數學傳播 | 1023-7526 | 現刊 | v.1-, 1977- |
1-, 1977- | |
中文 | 數學譯林 | 1003-3092 | 停訂 | 13(2-4), 1994. 14-16, 1995-1997. |